It's been crunch time in the studio! I personally have just under two weeks before Summer classes start. I'm trying to get as much done as possible. So far, progress has been good. So, what's the deal with this Charisma Kills Radio podcast thing?
CK Radio Podcast
It may seem like a myth, but it's real. As I understand it, Bigfoot hunters were starting to give up on the North American Skunk Ape and start investigating CK Radio.
Prior to returning to school for my bachelors, I recorded 6 episodes. I was under the misconception that If I recorded a month or more episodes at once, I could take a week or two to edit and post them.
I was wrong! shortly into it, I was banging my head against the wall chanting "Never, never, never, never, never, again!" Once the Spring semester started, reality set in and there was just not enough time to work on them.
One more hitch in the plan happened when I upgraded the Studio's systems. Everything on the older computer went onto a portable hard drive and set there. There has been some issues with transferring the older files over. As for as The raw CK Radio recordings, some files didn't make it.
So, what episodes survived the exodus? Charlie Wise (Groovy, Kinda), Vas Littlecrow (webcomic diva), and Marius Hjelseth (October 20th webcomic). Post production on these have already started. I
should have
Charlie and Marius finished late tonight or tomorrow. Vas's will take a little longer. For some reason, her episode broke up into five different files. Some of them partial duplicates. Technology... it works in mysterious ways. I of course deny operator error.
What Can Listeners Expect to Hear on These Early Episodes?
On the first four episodes, you'll hear interview's that contain a mix of dated information, such as convention appearances that have past, But, you will also get to a lot of information that is still relevant. Here's a brief breakdown of the episodes. Some of the episodes do have a touch of distortion on the guest voice that seems to be common in a lot of podcast I've heard. I've made every effort to fix this, but it is still apparent.
Charlie Wise: We talk with Charlie about conventions, his comics, influences, and his creative process with emphasis on inking.
Vas Littlecrow: Vas talks about her various comics, how she got started, and gives listeners some brief tips on webcomics and digital comics.
Marius Hjelseth: We cover the October 20th webcomic, his influences, processes, and talk a bit about the October 20th Audio Drama
Who is Shields McKloskey?
I also plan to record a brief introductory episode that goes into what the CK Radio Podcast is about, show format, and other information.
The When and Where?
I can't say exactly when the episodes will be available. But, it will be no later than a week from tomorrow. You will be able to access them on the Charisma Kills Studio's home page, (Please note that the CKS home page is currently under construction, but will be fully functional once the episodes are released) and on iTunes. It could take up to two weeks for them to appear on iTunes. The current plan is too release one a week. But, if I can get the introductory episode finished in time, the first week will have two releases.
Will There be More?
Yes! But, I'm not going to make the mistake of recording 4-5 episodes at once again. From now on, One at a time! A lot of trial and error went into the making of the early episodes. This means the new episodes maybe be formatted differently, be more focused, and better quality in general.