Thursday, May 15, 2014

CKS Progress Report May 15, 2014

Whats been going on?
If you follow the CKS blog, you know I went back to school for my Bachelors degree. Major in Art with a concentration in New Media and Animation. I foolishly thought that I could do this and still work on comics and other studio projects. Reality set in about the time I had to learn to use Adobe Illustrator inside and out. That was NO small task. it took Many long nights of practice and untold hours of youTube tutorials to learn how to use the pen tool alone. Next was Photoshop. Thankfully I use Photoshop in webcomic creation. I did pick up many new tricks, but the learning curve was easily overcome. Then came Adobe After Effects. And thats where at new level of ass kicking began. Ass kicking with my butt in the crosshairs. It's the end of the semester, and I'm only about 60% comfortable with it.

I decided to take a full course load over the Summer semester to expedite my 2016 Graduation date.
In the Summer, I will be taking Digital Photography, Intermediate Drawing, 2d Design, and 3d Design. I have a feeling this may not have been a wise decision since Summer courses are accelerated.

Ill go into more detail on my school adventures on the Lapingaroux blog in the future. For now, It's studio news.

Charisma Kills Studio Grows
I mentioned awhile back Jenette Mapp (Spelled it right this time, Jenette!)We were working on a graphic novel trilogy that I've been toying around with nearly 20 years. We were making decent progress until I started school. Then the momentum on that project drastically dropped. Mainly because she can't start until I finish the script. But! now that I have free time between semesters, I can bang a page plot script out so Jenette and I can work on storyboarding while Sherri finishes the script.  I'm not comfortable with setting a print date for this project, but concept art and some prelude web and digital comics could be coming soon.

Next, is Kodi Killgore (That's Killgore with TWO L's, but that's a story for another time.) I met Kodi in ART 190. She's got talent and a strong skill set for digital art. We've been working on developing another comic I've been messing around with for 2 or so years. Kodi recently went through her trial-by-fire intro to the chaotic inner workings of CKS studios. She provided the voice talent for The October 20th Audio Drama: Who is Shields Mckloskey. For those that came down to Wyatt's Comics and Cards, in Hammond, on Free Comic Book Day, Kodi joined me, Sherri, and Jenette. There was much drawing, face painting and signing CKS comic prints going on.
Kodi will be spending the Summer at Pony's Pancake Paradise, but work will continue on our project via email, and Skype. I'm hoping to have some of the project we are working on before Contraflow in October.

I want to talk a bit about Free Comic Book Day, but I'll save that for the next blog

Current Project Updates
C.O.G. webcomic: 2 months of updates are ready for scan and lettering.

Sweet Dreams are Made of Worms (Web Comics): Four months of updates are ready for scan and lettering.

Apocalypse Pizza: I have 3 vectors I've been exploring for this comic. As I said in the past, AP was always intended to be the first CKS Multimedia project. Now that I have started the studio's transmedia initiative, I think it still promise for this venture.

CK Chronicles: This comic has been canceled. The current, story line, Mind Shock,  will be transferred and continued in SDMW.

Next week I will have updates with news on CK Radio, Time Fest 2014, Contraflow 2014, and the October 20th Audio Drama: Who is Shields Mckloskey. It was written by October 20th webcomic creator Marius Hjelseth and features me and Kodi as Detective Ivanov and Captain Rossi.  

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